Browsing Archives of Author »Jackson Wai Chung Tse«

Backstage at my first Georgian dance concert

October 26, 2013


I pulled off my warm fleeces and slipped into the traditional parikaoba shirt. It was too big for me. I glanced at the faded tag: it once belonged to someone Lasha. A few boys tried to get a fire going in a rusty petchi (i.e. a small tin wood stove balancing on wobbly legs), making […]

No really Batumi: the pleasure is all mine.

April 10, 2013


Last night I was barrelling and swerving deeper and deeper into a foreign country’s road in the dark, through pouring rain, without a seatbelt, at 130km/h, and praying for the mercy of some obscenity-calling-and-wildly-gesticulating marshutka driver and his companion who continuously assured me I would be in Batumi soon. I’m crazy, and I love myself. […]

First impressions – Abanotubani?

March 4, 2013


“Abanotubani?” I had hastily scrawled the word in my notebook, and now fished it out so that I could ask where the baths were. They pointed towards these brick domes protruding from the ground. I headed that way, jumping from one dome to the other. Asking around, it seemed like they only had private baths, […]